#INM01_TASK01 - Hold the Macedonian army in three villages in turn until there are 25 battle elephants.
#INM01_TASK02 - The first city has fallen.
#INM01_TASK03 - You've lost the city; hold the defense in 2 more cities while elephants are being prepared.
#INM01_TASK04 - The second city has fallen.
#INM01_TASK05 - You have only one city remaining, where the elephants are being prepared.
#INM01_PANEL Somewhere in India
#INM01_T1_SC1 - Enemy troops are nearing the border, my lord!
#INM01_CH_PR2 - Enemies? Who is it this time?
#INM01_T1_SC3 - Alexander, the Macedonian king. He has already cast down many rulers. Even Darius has fallen.
#INM01_CH_PR4 - Darius himself?! Then it is serious. Our army isn't ready to fight.
#INM01_CH_SC5 - We have to hold them at the border. Dirta, Aron and Taxil will all fall, but it will give us time to prepare. King, Alexander has waged many wars in the west, but he does not know the difficulty of defeating our battle elephants.
#INM01_T1_PR6 - You are right! To beat an elephant is not an easy task. Defend the villages on the borders and I will start preparing an army. And see to it we have a number of battle elephants ready...
#INM01_CH_SC7 - King, Alexander has taken the villages. Our soldiers fought like heroes, but couldn't withstand his attack.
#INM01_T1_PR8 - They have bought us time, and will be remembered as heroes. The army and elephants are ready, and now the war will not take us by surprise. We will retreat to Hydaspes.
#INM01_T1_SC9 - Retreat? Why? The army is ready...
#INM01_T1_PR10 - Retreat, that is an order! Let the enemy think that we are afraid of him - We will position ourselves at the banks of Hydaspes and be waiting for him when he arrives. When he arrives, he will realize his mistake but by then it will be too late.
#INM01_LOOSE00 - You didn't have enough time to collect the required number of elephants.
#INM01_VICTORY - You have trained the required number of elephants.
#INM01_TALK01_Title - Order to prepare to defend -
#INM01_Lose_Condition - You will lose if the enemy forces break into the third city, unless you have 25 war elephants prepared.